How to pronounce this surname?

I came across a name recently but don't know how to pronounce it; the name is Hagh. I asked some people I know, and was told it's Welsh or Scottish, and probably pronounced "Hay" or "Hoff" (different people varied in opinions of pronunciation). So does anyone here have a more definite answer? Much appreciated.


Favorite Answer

Like hay, with a light g sound.


Hagh could be pronounced as the word 'high' =)

The Talisman2010-05-08T02:33:24Z

I'm guessing the way you would say "high" but with the 'a' sound. I dunno...try saying the first part of Haggis in a Scottish accent. Like..."hawg", maybe? Sorry I couldn't help more...


As an English native speaker myself,I don't even know how to pronounce it,what does that tell you?