Why do black people always think "it's because I'm black"?

I used to work at an indie record store where you could sell used CD's, DVD's, etc. for cash or trade. It was also the store policy that any returned item would not be refunded in cash, but store credit.
Without exaggeration or lying I will tell you that 90% of our African American customers, upon finding out about the store credit, or discovering that they weren't getting what they thought they were getting for their used items, would always, ALWAYS say something to the effect of "I guess you haven't heard, the President is black now so ya'll can't keep this racism up", "Oh I see how ya'll treat a *****. I don't get no cash 'cause I'm black" or "Alright 'den. Don't lemme see you on the streets".

Seriously? Are you gonna do a drive by on me because I have to listen to my boss? Why do they throw the "its' because I'm black" child-like temper tantrum when they don't get their way? Why is my life being threatened because I have to follow store policy? And first and foremost, what the f*** makes you think that I, as a clerk, have any say in store policy, how it's created or any say in anything? I want to know. Now. Honestly. Don't be a coward. You have the guts to threaten my life when I don't give you cash instead of store credit. Let's see some of those same guts in answering me honestly.


For those of you who have concluded that I am actually the racist. I can only feel pity for your lack of wisdom or experience in this life.
I am at work. I am doing what is expected of me in order to maintain receiving a paycheck to live.
I need some of you to stop with the name-calling and elaborate on how me receiving threats against my life (Don't let me see you in the street), verbal abuse, vulgarity, not to mention the other customers and their children who have to have this episode inflicted on them, makes me the racist? How on Earth do you equate me doing what the job tells me to do with me being a racist? Please try not to generalize or name call. I'd honestly like to know.


Fine...you cried enough and got your way. "Why do SOME black people think "it's because I'm black"?


Favorite Answer

cause 99 percent of the time it is and their are more racist whites like yourself and the user above me, that out weigh the non racist ones.

I'm sorry but your story makes you seem very childish and pointing the figure at everyone else but yourself

Look at the history between white and blacks and then aks yourself why?

how do i know this and i am Asian?

u are so stupid ignorant and racist!!

If you don't understand why you are ignorant and racist then you have more problems then you realize!

your Ignorant because you just grouped a whole race of people for the faults of a few blacks you encounter while working at a record store. There are millions of blacks all over the world and because of a few blacks you encountered you are making them all sound at fault and held accountable for the actions of the blacks at your store. What you should do is tell off the blacks you encounter at your store instead of lumping them all together.

Secondly, Ive experienced this same treatment by whites and i have always knew it was race based. They don't like Asians and never have and 99 percent of the time when i get treated like crap i know they are racist. Dont tell me otherwise. You people will come up with any excuse in the book to make yourself sound not at fault.

Edit: your still not innocent.. always two sides to a story.


It's called middle-class entitlement, and it's a growing problem. Everyone wants to have been alive when history was being made, except of course they seriously don't. So they thrash around in their pathetic little lives and grab onto whatever they can find. "It's because I'm a woman!" "It's because I'm gay!" "It's because I'm black!" "It's because I'm vegetarian!" - you know, pick one or several.

This race has a maturity-slap coming and it can't come soon enough IMO.

Actually I'll reduce the impact of one of those: the gays have finally stopped acting like self-entitled little bitches and really are just shaking their heads at the idiots now along with the hets. So there you go, the trend CAN reverse.


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Why do black people always think "it's because I'm black"?
I used to work at an indie record store where you could sell used CD's, DVD's, etc. for cash or trade. It was also the store policy that any returned item would not be refunded in cash, but store credit.
Without exaggeration or lying I will tell you that 90% of our African American...


I work in a hotel and whenever someone checks in using a debit card, we have to let them know it will hold the entire stays worth of money from their checking account. Well this black lady for some STRANGE reason thought we held her money because she was black and started yelling because she thought I was racist. REALLY LADY!? I have black friends..and black relatives even...but COME ON...why in the world would I hold your funds because you're black?

I have come to the conclusion that the types of people who say, "Its because I'm black" are the ones who really need to say, "Is it because I'm a moron and don't understand simple things"..but just don't have enough balls to. Basically.


Well, I don't say that. Ever.
Usually, I say "it's because I'm white, isn't it?" even though I'm black. I say that because I have the characteristic of a white person more than a black person.
I never use it in a situation like that, though. If I make a mistake, I own up to it.

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