What do pet owners think about "vet techs" who think they shouldn't have to have an education?

There are lots of people who use the title "veterinary technician" who haven't gone to school and think its not worth it. Or who want to be a "vet tech" without having to earn a degree in veterinary technology. What do you think about having those people who may have as little as a few minutes of instruction on how to monitor anesthesia as the only people monitoring your pet while performing a dental cleaning under anesthesia with no one else in the room? Do you think that the people who are providing nursing care for your pet should be educated?


Do you owners who think experience is more important than an education understand that often all of the training that they get on the job is less than 3 minutes of instruction and then turned loose. For example, I have asked the "tech" at a local clinic who I know was currently performing a dental how much training she had (the vet wasn't even on the premises and she had worked in the clinic for less than a month and she had an animal under anesthesia) and she said "I've watched someone perform one". And this person was monitoring anesthesia and performing the dental cleaning at the same time. (And this was her first job at a clinic.)

Franny Bananny2010-05-11T09:23:35Z

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I agree, they should be educated. It just makes sense for them to receive an education and learn anesthesia, parasitology, proper animal restraint, etc. That being said, I have worked with some outstanding "vet techs" who were not formally educated, and I have worked with some terrible LVTs. So I do not think education is any guarantee for their abilities...but it would be nice if it was required for everyone.


I think that they should definitely be educated. In some states, experience in doing is usually all it takes unfortunately. But I would not want someone who didnt know what they are doing working on my animals. Especially when monitoring anesthesia.


The person providing nursing care for my pet should be experienced. The education comes with that experience in my opinion. I mean book smarts can only take you so far. Whereas experience can take you a long way and can get others to trust you.


If you are educated in society it is known that you know exactly what you are doing. I think differently. I believe that as long as you know what you are doing and you do it very well, who cares about if you have a degree or not. There are so many people with degrees and have no clue. It's all about experience. As said "experience is the best teacher."