If you see a endangered animal eating a endangered plant what would you do?


Favorite Answer

kill the animal and eat it its endangered how many chances do you get to eat and endangered animal?


I see this is a hypothetical question, so I'll answer it hypothetically.
Plants tend to be robust and able to cope with grazing so this shouldn't be too much of a problem.
The animal may be endangered because it's main food source, the plant is also endangered, therefore it should be allowed to eat the plant.

I can see what you're getting at, but really it's not a very significant way of looking at conservation. It is huge scale human interference that causes species to die out. Even overgrazing by native species on native plants is usually caused by humans interfering some way or another. e.g. eradication of predators makes the herbivores overpopulated or habitat destruction means animals have less food available so destroy whatever they have left by overgrazing.

Even if an endangered animal eats another endangered animal, this is nature and can't be helped.

The Borg2010-05-15T01:56:08Z

Since the animal is already eating the endangered plant, you can't do anything about it. How about repopulate the endangered plant.


How did you know about endangered animal or plant, you must be a familiar to zoology or botany,try your best to save the animal, plant can survive again but not the animal!

Jeff M2010-05-15T08:38:23Z

I'd sit them both down, the plant and the animal, and try to come to some sort of agreement where the animal did not have to eat the plant.

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