I have put some of my favorites up on flicker. No photoshop junk. What do you think?

These are some of my favorites, but certainly not all. I have refrained from going crazy with Photoshop and am presenting reality as best I can. I even hold the camera level. ( strange concept, eh? )


For your enjoyment and comments are welcome.


Favorite Answer

bride 3x- is terrible no posing at all & if you are going to crop. Crop out just below flowers and turn shoulders slightly.

stephx-good concept but tighter composing & cropping would have more impact.

Melissaa-good posing, good framing, and great expression. Blue section in background is distracting. "loose hairs" on top of head need attention. If this was not "grab" shot then the model should have attended to her hair.

Julie web- turn model slightly to her left. Raise fan. If she isn't going to smile, then get closer, and this would equal a good advertising shot. If she smiles, then we have a nice close-up bride shot.

That's enough, you get the idea.


IMHO this is your best shot http://www.flickr.com/photos/44208701@N00/4580011584/, although it could benefit from some of that "Photoshop junk" by removing the light on the left which you cropped awkwardly. Yep, straight horizons!

In all seriousness, your whole stream is not bad, but could actually improve with a bit of saturation boost (tastefully done...especially the florals) and better cropping.

spongebob squarepants2010-05-17T06:33:30Z

The nature ones are super awesome. Love them.
The ones with people I wasn't really feeling. There was two that stood out to me. The one with the chick blowing a dandelion was very focus and you used good photographic elements. The other was the chick in the wedding dress. Even though I have a feeling the background was photoshopped.


I like your idea and respect your photography way more than photos that are like almost all photoshop/computer-made (All edited up and look nothing like their original)


That one is my favorite so far cause I didn't look through ALL of your photos.

wow; I looked at some more of your photostream

AWWESOME (I just faved several)

Princess Consuela B.2010-05-17T03:10:26Z

the first ones kinda freak me out ,
fmy favorite is the girl blowing the dandelion
from that one all the ones below are ALL GOOD