Which area is better for surfing, OBX or Virginia Beach?

I'm trying to plan a surf trip to the east coast (I'm in Cincinnati) in June. I've narrowed it down to the Outer Banks or Virginia Beach and can't really decide. It seems like the waves are pretty similar and both have campsites that seem pretty nice. Which one should I go with?


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If you are planning a surf trip I would suggest OBX. If its a month long trip then either beach is fine but if its a week long I would to to NC. VB doesnt have consistant waves you may go there for a week and only see ankle high surf the whole week..If your a longboarder just hang out at the inlet there is always longboard waves even in minimal surf conditions. Now im not saying that OBX has consistant waves either but if you are in the OBX you can drive to numerous surf spots on different islands (if the surf is bad in cape hatteras hop in your car and go to Frisco's Pier or any other spot within a half hours drive...there are tons of them). However if you are looking for nightlife then go to VB... OBX is cool and laid back, VB is upbeat and filled with partying.... OBX if you want more consistant surf, laid back atmosphere, and dont plan on goin out and partying besides with ppl you meet in the water and your friends, and VB if you wanna go out and party after a long day of surfing (prob longboard waves at the inlet.. but hey you might get lucky and get there during a nice swell)....


I would say Virginia Beach because i have been going there my whole life. There is this one spot by an inlet called Rudees inlet and its a surfing area just for surfers and no swimmers or anything aloud. Or you can surf anywhere along the beach and the surf is pretty good. Go with Virginia you will love it!

Have fun! :D


being a person that's actually from VB.....i can tell you that surfers from VB go to the outer banks to get good waves...if you are going to surf only---go to the outer banks (they have decent camping); but if you want to do other stuff (if its flat and you get bored) go to VB...you are going to be able to surf more spots in OBX----odds are, if the waves are decent in VB (esp. in June) the places you are going to paddle out are going to be CROWDED---also, good waves in VB means really good waves in the outer banks (usually)....also, a camping trip to OBX is going to be much more relaxing than going to VB...which ever you choose, have a good time!


Virginia beaches are better