Rate and fix this combo for my newly built deck...is it a good combo?

Here's the idea...

i use exodus, the ultimate forbidden lord...i special summon it...
i use advanced ritual art to special summon a ritual monster (please suggest a good ritual monster)
i send from deck as many as possible lvl 1 normal monster to boost my exodus power ( i've been thinking of using skull servants or 5 pieces of exodia, which one is better?) in case the exodus fail to do OTK...

any other cards that i can use in this combo..??

any helps?? i am sick of those blackwings and lightsworn, so i decide to make a deck based around this combo...is this combo original??

any deck list will be appreciated...

neji h2010-05-20T06:14:29Z

Favorite Answer

Exodus, the ultimate forbidden lord has gotten boring over the passed years. But if i were you, i would play those old games for the game-boy or use it on the DS. I learn alot from playing those games. Like one of the most important one would be, don't use a card just because you like it, don't use it if you know when your in a battle and when you draw your card but you can't summon it. You need to really strategize all your cards. Especially when you only got one turn to save your life points.

NCR Elite Ranger2010-05-20T12:18:25Z

That won't work. For Exodius the Forbidden Lord's effect to happen, he has to send the peices of Exodia, not another card. Either make a Ritual deck or an Exodia deck. I would suggest Exodia for speed's sake.