Did Obama commit a felony...?

...by offering Congressman Joe Sestak a "high ranking" cabinet position to drop out of his Pennsylvania senate race against Senator Arlen Specter?


"Federal law makes it a felony to offer 'anything of value' to an official of the government in return for a decision in your favor by that official of the government; it is called bribery."


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I'm pretty sure that accepting the position of President when you are not qualified to do so is even worse than a felony.


It is not against the law to offer somebody a job, but it is a look at the sleazy side of politics. And it is an indication of how much the hidden powers want to continue to reward Specter for his part in the cover-up of the JFK assassination.

I think a more blatant example is the bribe oops I mean the $300,000,000 Senator Landrieu got for her state in exchange for her vote on the health care bill.


No President has ever done that. I mean offered a congressman something for something else. Grow up, that is how business is done.

All politicians do that, if you don't get that maybe you should go back to school where you don't have to see how the sausage is made.


He can do no wrong in the eyes of his Obamaites, and they just consider you a "racist" for asking.


Does Obama have proof of birth to this country? That shoulder answer your questain.

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