Are there any non-Yankee related questions in this section?
Hey folks - haven't been around for a while, but on browsing the board almost every question seems to be about the Yankees, both for and against. Is this just due to the series with the Mets, or is this the general trend?
I realize I'm adding to the list, but I'm just curious whether this is atypical or normal.
Favorite Answer
The majority of the questions on here are Yankees and Red Sox questions, it gets really annoying.
Oh and I visited your page yesterday, and then boom you come out of retirement, lol.
Aye batter in,as this section needs a revamp,where to begin Football for weekdays and Weekends and Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays,and if you're still feeling bored after that lets all go to a nice secluded section like i.e Politics and Gardening,singles and Divorced lmao