Lost: final episode question?

So what... Michael is the only one who doesn't get a "Happy Ever Afterlife?"
Or could the creators just not get the actor for the final episode?


I don't buy that... Ben was allowed the option (though he chose otherwise) - and it was him who caused Michael to behave that way.

Also - I've just remembered: no Mr. Echo either!?

Lucas C2010-05-24T07:48:33Z

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Well, SOME of the actors were unavailable to reprise their roles in the finale for various reasons, but as far as the story goes...

Apparently a character only appeared in the church if he or she remembered his or her time on the island and was ready to "move on". Ben remembered his time on the island but presumably wanted to spend more time with his daughter before moving on, and Michael was stuck on the island (which is why he never appeared in the alt timeline). Ana Lucia made it to the alt timeline but apparently chose not to move on for whatever reason, and perhaps Mr. Eko has a similar reason for not moving on. We just don't know.

Does this story neatly explain who was and wasn't present at the church? No, but it's a start to an explanation, and that's all I really expected from the Lost finale anyway. I know some people wanted more, but I thought it was a good send-off for the series.


He was not the only one not included. Anna Lucia was "not ready", Michael's son Vincent was absent as was Sun and Jin's daughter, Mr. Eko was never mentioned and Alex and Rousseau were apparently forgotten, although maybe not by Ben. These people were minor characters but don't forget about Miles, Richard, and Frank Lapidus who were Integral parts of the last few seasons but not in the church wither


He wasn't there because his spirit is trapped on the Island. Remember when Hurley talked to him a few episodes back? Because he was evil, he didn't move on.


I'm pretty sure you can download it off Itunes.


No, because he went to hell as he was a bad person (killed libby, betrayed everyone).

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