Rate and Fix my Disaster Dragon Deck?
Hey all, just finished my new Dragon deck. It's similar to a Disaster Dragon build, and I want some input, and possible alterations to improve it, if possible. Thankyou to anyone who takes the time to answer.
Monsters - 20
3x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3x Red-Eyes Wyvern
3x Koa'Ki Meiru Drago
3x Masked Dragon
2x Totem Dragon
2x Exploder Dragon
2x Light and Darkness Dragon
1x Prime Material Dragon
1x Magna Drago (or should it be Debris Dragon, knowing the limitations)
Spells - 9
2x Book of Moon
1x Future Fusion
1x Gold Sarcophagus
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Brain Control
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Burial from a Different Dimension
Traps - 11
3x Dimensional Prison
2x Dust Tornado
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mirror Force
1x Royal Oppression
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Starlight Road
Side Deck - 12 (What else do I need)
3x Pulling the Rug
2x Soul Release
2x Trap Hole
2x Corridor of Agony
2x Mirror of Oaths
1x Royal Oppression
I understand the whole Genesis Dragon, but I have found no consistency with it. Please don't mention Yamata Dragon, because Light and Darkness Dragon is better for control.
I have a Extra Deck, I just didn't post it because it's the same for every deck really...
Royal Oppression is there because most of my Special Summons can't be negated by it.
Dust Tornado is better than Stamping because it can be chained.
Dragon's Mirror defeats the purpose of this deck. Only 1 FHD is enough for Future Fusion.
Thanks for the input anyway