What is a quick, effective cure for chronic tension pain in the neck and shoulders?


1.take both hands and touch the top of any doorway in the house (stretching)
2. buy a portable tub whirlpool, and a full body massage pad ( unless you have a whirlpool tub(they are great)
3. use the massage for approx 10 min. before you get into the whirl and after you are thoroughly dry stretch in the doorway and back to the massage.
4. If you have a significant other just get him to give you a good massage before you get in the tub.
5, then get in the tub with you and continue with the full body massage
6.I know you will feel so much better
7.Nothing like a good warm bath and hands on to loosen those muscles


It depends on the cause of your pain. It can take up to 3+ weeks for the full effects of Lyrica to show, so give it time. Personally, it didn't help me much, but there are a lot of different factors that play into it - give it a try for about a month before you decide whether or not it is helping.


Massages are a great fix for that. You may need to see a physio for some stretches or to make sure your back isn't out. Check your pillow and mattress too, that can help support your back and neck. Good luck!