Is the mosque Being built in NYC a SLAP in the face for America?

Are peaceful Muslims want to bring understanding to their Religion or are they building next to the twin towers to show dominance and superiority and how they took out the capitalist Americans?

I already have my answer but would love to hear what the general populations thinks.

magicofdawn (again)2010-05-26T19:59:11Z

Favorite Answer

It is definitely a slap in the face. There is only one radical Islam or moderate...just Islam and it is made to conquer and dominate, to fight until all religion is for Allah.

The mosque and Islamic center are just proof of Islamic superiority. They always build over lands they have conquered. An example of this is the Dome of the Rock. They deliberately thumbed their noses at Judaism with that. It's a reminder of what they did and how superior they think they are. Muslims would love to see all Americans in submission, paying jizya and accepting dhimmi status.

YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Robert Spencer wrote a great article about it:

People are really fooling themselves about Islam being peaceful. It means submission, not peace.


The Muslims building these mosques and the Center there have strong ties to terrorism.

What this is, is the same thing as planting a flag on conquered territory. This is what the Muslims are doing.

Only, the politically correct Americans are too stupid to understand that. They wont wake up until Sharia Law is in their own personal backyards and by then it will be too late for them. They get what they deserve for being so blind and so unwilling to face reality.


a million. they must be approved to construct it. it is the regulation of the land and is secure by technique of our structure. particularly frankly an attempt to change the non-public exercising of religion must be to violate the structure. 2. the authorities ought to no longer take a stand in any respect, it is a question of deepest possession. construction codes and zoning criteria ought to face and be enforced yet no extralegal steps must be taken. obviously the mosque is an inflammatory act. If it became being equipped as a memorial to those who died, by technique of adherents to the Muslim faith that, a minimum of, ought to tutor an objective of sensitivity. because it stands, it is a suitable away thumbing of their nostril at American Society. regrettably for them it shows them precisely how vile and disgusting they are and how sturdy, tolerant and affected man or woman we are. An unapologetic mosque that on the threshold of the area of the worst unmarried civilian slaughter on our shorelines by technique of professors of their faith is a public fact of the crassness and juvenile concept that reigns interior of most of the Islamic faith. can we accomplish something by technique of tossing aside our social compact as a fashion to thumb our noses back? i ought to point that such an action can be a significantly better loss than the denigration of their faith by technique of those who see this as an danger to tweak the full devil. i think that we are more advantageous effective served by tolerance than by intolerance. Reacting by anger feeds them. Reacting by tolerance starves them.


Yes, it is.
How ever, the only way to insure religious freedom is to insure others have it to.
I hope that since the Muslims want to tear down a historical landmark, the historical issue will stop it.


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