What are events or people in the book Eclipse that have a D, G, H, K, M, O, T, U, X, Y, or a Z in it?
I'm doing an ABC book about Eclipse and I need anything that start or have any of those letters above. Weather it was an event or a person or anything else in Eclipse.
Favorite Answer
D is for Denial- because Bella won't admit she loves Jacob.
G is for Grateful- because of when Jake kidnaps Bella from school and she's soooo happy.
H is for Hot- because that's the way Jacob feels (and looks...).
K is for Kiss- because of Jaob being a total douche and attacking Bella.
M and O are for Make Out- because Bella totally cheats on Edward with Jake.
T is for Tent- where Bella stayed during the fight.
U is for Ultimatum- because of the whole Edward saying he wouldn't let Bella be friedns with Jake.
X is for... um... yeah skipping this one.
Y is for Youth- Bella wants to be a vampire but feels too young to be married.
Z is for Zany- because Bella totally goes psycho and tries to sacrifice herself.
Death: Obviously... G Heartbreak: When Bella tells Jacob she loves Edward more Kiss: Bella & Jacob Murders: By the newborns O Tracking: Victoria tracks Edward's scent to his and Bella's hiding spot Uncontrollable: The newborn vampires X Y Z