Can someone help me?!?

First of all, I got fired from my job because some guy blamed me for a blunder. So I went home and told my wife. I don't know if she was drunk or what, but all of the sudden we were in a huge fight and she even drove me out of my own house and dumped me. Then when I was walking in the night, I got robbed and beaten by a gang of mobsters. They stole my jacket, my wallet, and the rest of the possessions I had left. One of the guys punched me in the face and I blacked out with a bleeding nose. When I woke up again it was raining and I felt really cold. Because of this I contracted a really strong cold and am feeling nauseous all the time. To make things worse, I had to run away from the police because I was found at a scene of vandalism. Wrong place, wrong time.

I can't even think clearly anymore. I hate life and life hates me. I think I might seriously just kill myself...


Thank you so much everyone, really! You have no idea how much better I feel now, to know someone, somewhere out there actually cares about you! Thanks Barbara I will go to the minister, and I'll try to talk with everyone Rachael. I think this will turn out ok now... Thanks again to everyone and God bless you!


Favorite Answer

Oh, Edgar,
This too shall pass. I promise. :)

barbara v2010-05-31T05:19:25Z

It must have felt as if the universe had dumped on you! I'm sorry this has happened to you and wish there was something I could do, but that's unrealistic.

Don't be thinking about suicide. It won't solve anything.

A wise man said, many years ago, "This too shall pass", and though it seems like a cliche, it is really true. And I recently read something that applies here: "When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on".

Are you a churchgoer? Talk to your minister. You will find help there.

Good luck and God bless.


For the Job: talk to your boss, make it clear you are not to blame and just get that whole situation off your chest, if your boss does not believe you about that; then you two are just not made to work together anyways.
The wife: more info please. What was the fight about? Have you spoken since? Talk to her and well, I just need more info to help you out on that.
Mobsters: Report them, report stolen items and just tell everything you remember to the police - oh & track/ report credit cards to your card company.
Cold: Go to your doctor, get lots of rest and clear liquids.
Police: EXPLAIN, tell the truth and defend yourself/get a lawyer
Suicide: Don't do it, you can only improve your life from here, please. You are a good person who had a bad run of events but you have so much ahead of you. And please, please, please, before you do anything drastic call 1.800.suicide. - that is the hope hot line.
I have faith in you, so take care of yourself.


I guess that's why they call you Lucky Edgar.