What religion or church did Jesus belong two?

I'm not confused just something to think about, there r so many religion & churches whom say they are right. That's whats confusing, all religions or churches have been watered down they're all div of sub div of sub div. If you have a room with 30 people & started a rumor & that person told another person & so on when it got back to you the whole rumor changed it's not the same.


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Jesus was born and raised Jewish.


The actual person spoke out against the corruption of organized religions of the time and instead told people that the way to understanding was through introspection. Unfortunately, a fellow by the name of Paul, who in today's wold would be referred to as a marketing genius, usurped his message and used it to create Christianity. One wonders if Jesus would have laughed at or been incensed at the irony.


Christianity began as a sect of Judaism, yet grew into its very own diverse faith. today Christianity may well be broken up into diverse denominations (Catholicism, Protestantism, Mormonism, etc), and each and each denomination may well be further broken into sects (there are over a hundred Mormon sects, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints being the biggest).


Jesus walked perfectly in the Abrahamic covenants.That is not religion, it is a way of life for the believer. Any Israelie there could have done what he did. But most jews swapped the great covenant promises for religious rituals and traditions, just like so many churches of today.


Religion is not of God, it,s man made, the children of God have the Salvation that Jesus brought to man when he died on the old rugged cross, until then we had no way to God,the Jews were the
only one,s who could talk to God,but Jesus opened the door for us and now we go to God thur the Son.

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