Allergic to books...Seriously?

I was recently reading the latest Sookie Stackhouse book and the smell of the paper and/or ink was making my nauseous and where my fingers touched the pages, my fingers felt tingly and felt like it burned. Has this happened to anyone else? This is the only book I've read so far (and I've read A LOT) that I have had this reaction to.


Favorite Answer

There are many chemicals used in the manufacturing of book-quality paper. It is entirely possible that you are having an allergic response to one or more of these chemicals. Since many books are now being printed in China, the aggressiveness and safety of these chemicals often goes without question.


fingers have oils on them that you cant see and it could be an allergic reaction. the book could of been made without just using paper. the people who made this has probably added something to the pages like a chemical to make them have a certain feel. it is just a little reaction and i would stop reading it if i were you.


Is this a new book or a library book? If it is a library book, it is possible that the person before you handled something to which you are allergic and then touched the book. I sometimes have a reaction to library books because I am allergic to cats and some people pet a cat and then handle a library book.


No, unicorns are not horses, they are mythical creatures in the shape of a horse. The same way parrots are not pigeons. And everyone knows that drinking unicorn blood will make you immortal. And I doubt that immortals have problems with allergies, that would kind of downplay the whole thing don't you think?