WHY do you people hate Miley Sirus ?

What did she do or why all the hating for her. Do you all live near her or What is the problem ? I happen to like Miley because my little kid does. You know Hannah Montana..


Or is it Cyrus ? hell I don't know. But I know everybody hates her and i'm wondering why .
She looks slutty now ? Then it's time for ME to watch her. Not my kid.


@Monika, you don't want to see me in a blonde wig, trust me on this.

Monika M2010-06-04T12:55:21Z

Favorite Answer

I hate Hannah Montana, because she sends out the message that to get people to like you; you need to wear a blond wig and flashy clothes.

Miley is alright, I have no REAL problems with her.


Miley Sirus ROTFL! XD


i presumed it replaced into Cyrus yet yeah she's hella stressful x] SHE needs to DIE! x] me and my chum theory approximately making a school club called: Anti- miley cyrus x] ~Play my music :D


lmao miley sirus


i dont hate her but im starting to because she tries to grow too fast especially in her new video cant be tamed like omg did u see the way she acted. Im srry to say but she acts like a SLUT!!!!!!

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