Why does this always happen to me?!!?

OK, so when ever i fall for a guy we hang out and stuff but after a few weeks i lose intrest...like i feel like i don't want them anymore...like i dont want to hang out with them!
Why does this keep happening...i really want a bf but everytime i get close to a guy this happens...please help!


Favorite Answer

it happened to me alllll the time!! it just means that the guy isn't boyfriend material and just friend material... once you meet a guy that keeps you interested it means hes a keeper! just keep having fun and dont worry about it too much - boyfriends are a lot of work and cause a lot of stress sometimes!


Sounds like you're superficial and childish. Maybe grow up and bring something worth having into a relationship.

Big Ran: Hey Yo Mugshot E./B-UP2010-06-04T21:03:05Z

I agree with Sarahahahaha.I think when you find the right guy,he'll be able to always keep you interested.


i kno what you mean......just hav fun for now ok?