How can I end this relationship and get everything I want after my husband cheated and is sexually abusive?

what if when you had sex he hurt you so badly your were crying from the pain but he wouldnt stop? Now he is saying that we should make a contract saying he is going to buy me the DD boobs I've always wanted and butt implants but I would have to be silent about the fact that he cheated and continue being married to him so he can get his papers in the U.S. We also opened a bank account so I could open my hair business, I specialize in hair products. But I am extremely unhappy and the fact that he was accused by the girl he was cheating with that he sexually harrassed her its even worse than just cheating. But I think she is just doing that because he has a lot of money, he even said she was fighting a girl that was looking at him when they went to a bar, she was also very mad that his wife (me) was not black so he is saying its a racist thing and he said he might pay her of . I know however that he would be capable of raping someone since he has forced sex several times before when I am mad at him but I just let it go because I ended up enjoying it but Ive never cried from it. This weekend he hurt me so badly from having sex I was bleeding. i dont want to continue this relationship but Im thinking in business terms that he owes me. I want a bright future for me and our 2 year old son. what do you think? How can I ensure I have a great future without being with him? also im a student and dont have any income. no one is there to help me as my parents and my friends have cut me off because I keep going back to him. heeeelp!!


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This is proof positive that money cannot buy character.

He owes you nothing. If you stay with this guy for selfish reasons, you'd be no better than he is. Time to cut your losses and move on unless you never want this misery to end.

Oh, and realize he's dangling the carrot of the plastic surgery, which would really be for his benefit.

Your friends are more objective than you are in this matter. You should listen to them.


He is raping you and you should go to the police. He could wreck your privates and you may never have another child if this continues. You cannot stay with the man another minute he is dangerous! If you stay for the money what you lose will far outweigh what you gain. When you allow him to get away with rape he is going to continue to do it to you and others. You may be willing or able to accept it but no one else should be subjected to that. Take action and sort out the money part of it later. He will have to pay child support anyway and if he is loaded then that should be quite a lot.


What's the point in owning your own business and having everything you ever wanted if you have to come home to a man that rapes you and possibly goes out and rapes other women?

The best way to secure a bright future for your son is to get as far away as possible. Do you want your son to grow up thinking this is how a man should act?

Oh, and at this point, you shouldn't even be concerned about plastic surgery. You've got bigger issues.


Get a really good lawyer and ask for everything you want in your divorce papers. His lawyer will counter that offering less till you both come to an agreement or the judge decides. There is no way I would stay with a man who raped and abused me. I would also be careful when it comes to the child you have with him as well.


Is having fake boobs and butt really that important to you? Obviously you are vane.

Get over yourself and the things you want and move on.

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