Should I be worried about identity theft?

I got pulled over for speeding today. The officer took my license and registration and went to his car. He gave me the name of a different town and asked if I lived there. I said no. He gave me the name of a woman with the same last name as mine and the first name of my ex-husband's psycho ex girlfriend. He asked if I knew someone by that name. I said no. He asked me if I knew a man named Rob, last name starts with a P. The name was completely unfamiliar to me. He said when he ran my information it matched an order of protection for me and the birthdates match up as well. He gave me no more information except the order is to protect me from someone, not the other way around. Should I just assume he made a mistake or should I be worried there's something wrong, possibly identity theft?


Don't just assume! Your identity is too precious to play around with like that. Call up the local precinct and give them the cops car number or name or something, and they can see if it was even a real officer who stopped you, and if he actually ran you, what came up.


Did you have a bad break up with the ex? maybe someone was worried about you and called in for protection for you... i have seen it done... if your worried you have the right to get the files.