Sick joke or complete accident? Creating the Human....?

Are we humans the depraved comedic outcome of some greater beings sick joke? Or are we just some freak accident just waiting to be cleaned up? We people believe we are by some means a great species here on Earth when in fact we are just an intelligent parasite, how was it then, you believe, that such a despicable creature has come to live and prosper so well on this planet? The work of your deity or does science explain it all?


Favorite Answer

So. . . are we the punchline or the lead-in?


We are not "there" yet...we don't have the ability to answer your questions.Science will constantly change in the future...the "Facts" will change.We may be the parasites you mention or we may as a whole be "God" if that's what you want to call it.Everything perhaps is but a "cell" of god.As the Beatles said "It's all too much".Science is still in it's infancy with so much more to learn and deities are whatever perception contained in ones individual mind..which only the individual "sees",formed of that individuals own constructs.I believe their are "gifted" minds that do have higher notions/epiphanies of what it's all about.Who Knows.Laters!


"We people believe..."

Hey, don't lump me in with that bunch -- I don't "believe" anything, and I certainly don't think I hold some special place because a magical god made me. I'm fully aware that I'm an ape, with just a bit larger brain than the other apes.

There's no evidence of any kind that any "deity" is all that's left is the natural result of natural processes.



Humans can not be explained any better than Cancer.....we both destroy everything in our paths.....
In the future there will be a cure for cancer and some day a cure for humanity.


we are mother nature's work.... she'll choose if we go or not, and right now we are pissing her off bad

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