I was diagnosed with severe depression and its effecting the workplace?
I was recently diagnosed with severe depression, and its gotten worst to the point that i dont get out of bed when i dont have work. On my work days, its VERY hard for me to get up even, let alone get to work on time. I got a write up the first time, and explained the illness that i'm going through and told them i'd put more effort in getting to work on time. (an hour and a half late!). So I've gotten better, with coming in late only 30 min or so...and still got another write up. This time I won't get a chance, they said the next tardy, I will be terminated. My question is, doesnt "Major Depression" count as an illness? If I were physically ill they'd understand, but this doesnt cut it? Can someone help as to what my legal rights are in this situation? I have a doctor's note, on antidepressants, and taking therapy sessions. So, Im doing all I can to get better, but this is only making me more depressed