At this juncture, how likely do you think it is that Obama is going to end up being considered...?

...a successful President?


Favorite Answer

Not very likely by the smart, aware people. Likely, by the ignorant, clueless people.


what the history books will show:

the economy was shrinking and bleeding 750,000 jobs a month when he took office. he managed (w/ NO help from republicans, same as the new deal) to return the nation to growth in the 1st -1/2 of his FIRST term.
this alone assures him a second term and secures the presidency for liberals for years.

history will treat him well. now....W..on the other hand?


He will probably be considered successful by the people who voted for him, that can not admit they ever make a mistake!
By die hard Liberals who would never, ever vote any other way!
By just plain dumb, stupid people!

The only family you see backing him up is his wife and kids ( and the kids are too young too know better).

Look up Rev John David Manning, See what he has to say on the subject! You will find him very entertaining and knowledgeable.


History teacher, "well kids turning to this president Obama the economy was still going bad and I mean bad. Oh and there was some oil spill that leaked... Well it wasn't pretty."


The Tea Party is kicking his azz.

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