Having 2 license plate stickers is a Criminal Offense?

My fiancee got pulled over by a cop last night here in Florida and the cop said he was writing a ticket because my fiancee had 2 license plate registration stickers on both sides of the plate, and that it was a criminal offense.

He keeps stickers on both sides and alternates each year between sides, to show that he had a registration for the previous year... While I do not particularly agree with having 2 sticker on the license plate, is this REALLY a criminal offense? I mean, come on, they are just stickers!

Any websites backed up as reference would help, but not necessary.
Thank you!


The cop SPECIFICALLY said "Criminal Offense" several times.
But I totally agree about just putting the sticker over the old ones at the top, right corner. None other, no hassle, good to go.


Favorite Answer

Yes, per most state you are only allowed to have one revalidation decal affixed to the license plate. Your are also required to place the decal in specific place on the license plate as well. In most states when you get your decal from the tax commissioner if should show you on the back where the decal must go.




Are you sure it wasn't a TRAFFIC offense and not a CRIMINAL offense?

I doubt that jail time is a possibility due to an extra registration sticker on your car. It's a fine and license suspension at worst. Most likely just a fine. That makes it a TRAFFIC violation.

Unfortunately for you and him, they aren't just stickers. They indicate that the vehicle is properly registered. They come with very simple instructions on how to apply the sticker. Follow them and you won't have this problem in the future.


Every state I've lived in clearly indicates where the registration sticker is to be placed on the license plate. Your fiancee can't follow simple written instructions.


florida's dmv site didn't have the information. where I live we have a sticker for the month, which never changes, and a sticker for the year, which changes once a year. I doubt the state cares you had a registration for the previous year.

I have to go with the cop on this one. When the sticker arrives in the mail, you get directions on where to place them. If you don't follow the directions, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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