Would taking shrooms before a surgery have negative effects?
I was wondering if taking shrooms or miprocin 3 days before an ear sugery would have any negative outcome with the surgery? anything at all?
I was wondering if taking shrooms or miprocin 3 days before an ear sugery would have any negative outcome with the surgery? anything at all?
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Are you the patient or the surgeon?
Social Anomaly
Save it for after, many drugs harmfully interact with each other, including shrooms and whatever is gonna put you under. They might be fine, but they might be fatal. You can wait a few more days before embarking on the greatest experience of your life.
When you start hallucinating post-op , it migh just cause a bit of confusion. When they find out you did mushrooms just before surgery, you will probably be transferred to Psychiatry. Poor judgement to use them at all. Very poor judgemet to use them before a procedure. I have no idea how they would mix with the anesthesia. You might get a really deadly combination.
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yes the residues left over will mix with morphine and can have very adverse affects on your body. DO NOT DO IT, for gods sake