What do wild deer eat? I believe the ones around where I live are the white tailed deer.?

We live on a farm and we normally plant soybeans. This year we aren't. And this year we planted a vegetable garden close to the house. Well the deer and in that garden eating the food. So we want to plant food for them at the back of our fields.
I heard they like turnips, but what kind? And what kind of other things will they eat?


Favorite Answer

White tailed deer are herbivores or plant eaters. They change their diet depending on the seasons. In the spring and summer they eat green plants, while in the fall, they eat corn, acorns, and other nuts. In the winter, they eat the buds and woody twigs of plants.


From 2005-2009 I fed a fawn with a broken leg corn daily. He grew and grew right into a non well-known greenback sooner or later. The deer, of direction replaced into nevertheless wild. He might come to the sound of the corn bucket and can eat from my hand yet in no way enable me touch him. i replaced into like 4 ft 5 so he felt risk-free. That deer replaced into exceedingly lots my puppy, so superb. sooner or later, the douchebag low lifestyles peice of sh't hunters down the line might of shot him, or he basically lived on out to his finished lifestyles. I dont comprehend, all i comprehend is I omit that fella. His genes survive nonetheless, he mated with some doe suprisingly and made some super offspring.


Whitetail deer eat large varieties of food, commonly eating leaves, cactus, and grasses. They also eat acorns, fruit, and corn.


They're HERBIVORES,dear.

Fence your garden.
Get a dog.
Hang aluminum pie pans.