I got a ticket for improper lane change....I DID NOTHING WRONG?

On my ticket it says "failure to signal when turning or changin lanes" but on the remarks section it says "Turn signal active, changed lanes by forcing in between two vehicles without enough distance" PLEASE GIVE ME ANY TIPS TO BEAT THIS TICKET BECAUSE FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE I WAS NOT GUILTY!!! I was even waved in by the car behind me. It happend in GA and the cop was not too happy I was from up north. Any advice would be great.


I have lived in GA for 5 years, and intend on going to court next week.


Favorite Answer

Go to court, tell them, if there wasn't enough room to make a lane change, you wouldn't have changed lanes. Also, if you had your blinker on and you changed lanes, others are required to make room for you to get in. It's not your fault. Some cops - err scratch that - MOST cops are idiots and they don't know how to do the laws right themselves for the most part. They just do it because they are required to write 200 tickets per month (depending on the state) otherwise they get fired.


Unfortunately you will have to pay the fine if you was just passing through GA . This is an old trick that is played in a lot of states. They are counting on you not coming back to face a hearing because the cost of coming back would cost more than the fine.


continually...continually.....continually bypass to court docket and combat the cost ticket once you experience wronged. the incontrovertible fact which you made the attempt counts for some thing. in case you have a witness; convey him (her). BE polite. NO EYE ROLLING. Be concise... to the component and grateful regardless of the way it comes out. do not LIE! THE decide CAN generally tell.turn OFF YOUR cell telephone. thank you AND particular, NO IN LIEU OF UH-HUH OR YEAH. clarify it with calmness and watch him pay interest. NO SLOUCHY SHOULDERS OR ill installation outfits.wish IT facilitates. ultimate of success.