What day will the Laker Parade/Rally fall on?

when the Lakers win game 7 this Thursday will the Parade fall on the following day? Friday? i hope its on Saturday i just started a new job ;)


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The Lakers are gonna fit the bill. I'm curious when it will be too. I'm trying to get time off work for it.


Just had a convo with a co-worker that also literally is a concil woman for the city of San Fernando, and she's saying that the mayor decided to cut 5,000 city workers jobs today, (06-16-2010) which include firemen, policemen and others.
To get to the point, she say's theres no money to pay for it, and if it happens it will gathe


They said we wouldnt be able to have one last year due to budget cuts & what not... & look at what happened.
WHEN we win this Thursday, im assumming it'll be Sat Sun or maybe even Mon.


they have to win game 7 on thursday

Just Trying 2 Help2010-06-16T03:45:36Z

probably on Saterday :) lol GO LAKERS! :D

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