how many former christians felt liberated when you accepted rational truth of atheism?

Until very recently, twenty minutes ago to be exact I was a die-hard Conservative, Republican, Bible believing Christian. But then this jackass who is in complete support of the WBC (westboro baptist church) kept saying I am not a real Christian, because I would not accept 'his way' of thinking.

Then I came across a bunch of information that describes in detail 'virgin births', 'resurrected saviors', and so on that are spoken of in the bible. After a great deal of torment in my mind, I went to a Jewish site that explains evolution from the point of view of most Jewish Rabbis and how a great number of them believe evolution can co-exist with religion.

Well, that is when it all hits me - I am done with all the crap that comes from trying to live a lie. Christianity can't be the total answer because it is filled with human errors and copied from other cultures / religions. So, now I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders.

So, was wondering if anyone who gave up Christianity felt the same as I do now? Free :)


Goob --

I must be simple minded, because I just went along with the Christian crap all my life. I just accepted without question the things being taught to me by teachers, parents, and pastors.


Indoctrination - that is exactly what religious parents do to their kids. "Make" them believe in the exact things that the parents believe.


John D123

It was this one that - as they say -- broke the camels back

I have been verbally attacked by Christians for many years now. During that time I felt like it was necessary to defend the bible against those hateful people. One day I got into a deep study of Hebrew and discovered that the word commonly used by Christians against homosexuals actually means "shrine or temple prostitute".

I began pointing this out to others, in response I was called every name under the sun. I made the conscience decision then and there that the bible is full of lies being told by the men who translated the book. Discrimination is rampant throughout the bible, jesus himself calls non-Jews 'dogs'. So I am done with it all.


I truly do appreciate everyone's honest answers, thank you all for being straight forward with me and not sugar coating this -- because this decision is going to forever change who I am


Favorite Answer

I try to escape but I can't. It's made a significant part of who I am, some part of religion will always be in me. I understand what you are going through, I do that too. For now I don't know what I believe in, but I am not hard-core Atheist or Christian. The idea of Atheism sounds so dull/pessimistic, requires little thinking, and patience, while Christianity is quite confusing. So I can't choose right now. Both don't give clear answers to life.


There is no such thing as a former Christian. You either are or you never were. You need to also remember there is a hugh difference between Christians and Religious fanatics. Plus atheist are not rational. And there is plenty of proof that God exist all you have to do is look outside at the sky or hear a newborn baby cry. Also, most Christian are against the Westboro Church. Most of us do not believe they are real Christian, but the false prophets warned about in the Bible.


i can't understand how you feel "free" without christ in your life now?
what is your purpose now as an atheist?
do you realize that you just accepted the idea that this is it. this world is all there is and will ever be?
is that really what you want? what have you done in this life so far to say that it has been worth living?

im not trying to judge you here but im just saying you need to really think this decision through because it will forever affect your life.

and about the evolution and the Bible working together. some people think that it could have happened. that gods first week of creation could have happened over millions of years.

dont only read the articles on the one side of the argument there are also some convincing evidences that prove the bible to be accurate and remember not to believe everything you read. anyone can post anything on the internet.

the best of luck to you and your decision. ill be praying for you tonight =]

John D1232010-06-15T23:17:59Z

First of all, I may not be the best person to answer this question because I never "gave up" on Christianity.

Unless you accept the premise that ALL Christians are the same, then I wouldn't base my beliefs and values on a tiff that you got into with ONE believer. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

My advice: search the scriptures for yourself...find a church that fits your personality and style...find someone within that church that you can talk to...pray for wisdom in this area.

You'd be SURPRISED how answers will come to you in the quiet of your own seeking, study and meditation. Be your own person in this very personal search for answers and don't go with the crowds until you've settled the matter deep within you.

That's what has worked for me, and it's been the BEST decision of my life.



Adrenaline can happen in many cases, Some being, Extreme Exercise, Nervousness, Stressful Situations, Falling in love, Anger, Extreme Negative Emotions, So does an adrenaline rush mean you are making the right decision, not always, when you were bearing your testimony it was probably nervousness, a natural reaction, When you left the church it could be a combination of things like anger at religion, the stress of leaving religion, or just negative feelings. The holy ghost comes differently in each individual, some it is a peaceful feeling, some it is a warm felling not necessarily an adrenaline rush.

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