If I put an ATT 3g sim card into a used iPhone will I need to sign a new contract?

I have a phone with a $10/mo unlimited data plan (non-smart phone...samsung impression) and I was hoping to buy a used iPhone and put my sim in -- will I be forced to sign a 2 yr contract (I'm in one right now)? will I be able to keep paying $10/mo or does it automatically switch to 30/mo or 15/mo? Do I need to call ATT to do this?


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You don't need to sign a new contract. You will have to get an iPhone data plan for either $15/month (200mb) or $25/month (2gb). If you don't get the data plan, AT&T will automatically add one - which one they will add is unknown.


No. Just put the SIM into the phone.


Nope nope nope. Just insert the sim card.


if you buy an iPhone it automatically switches....woooow