Is it too early to suggest that Dems & the American people would be better off if Obama took a 6-month holiday?

He could still be paid out of the BP Slush Fund so that Michelle & The Little Ones wouldn't have to suffer due to his insufferability. That would be waaayyy more than fair, wouldn't it?

He could get his bowling score up above 100, learn to shoot under 100 on the links, and shoot hoops with anyone that would let him on their court; all in all, I think it would be a good thing: he'd come back fit and ready to try, try again. As bored as he looks most of the time, I bet he'll go for it in a NY minute!


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Why 6 months? How about the next 2 years.


Actually, Obama is on vacation all the time - especially during disasters - Obama flees the scene.

But it would be a nice vacation for the American people.

Heck, Americans would probably save 5 or 6 Trillion if Obama took a nice long vacation.

Moosey Flathead2010-06-17T04:13:30Z

Oh my gosh, No. Please, no. Biden is VP.

When Obama picked Biden for VP that was better protection than a whole army of secret service agents.

I do not like Obama but please just say No to Biden. After all Biden doesn't actually need to become president to be able to list it on his resume. He's really good at that "creative truth" stuff.


Of course not. The election is just around the corner. We need him out there energizing the base and the independents


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