Older thrustmaster system requiring win 95 0r 98?

I have an unopened new thrustmaster joy, pedals and attack throttle. Drivers available for windows 95/98. I wouldn't mind buying a dedicated system for gaming (new to this and flight sim would be my main focus). Any suggestions?? I found one site with a bunch of Toshiba Equiums of various specs for $251. 15 pin game port adaptors to usb are available. Any suggestions??

Local Machine2010-06-16T23:48:52Z

Favorite Answer

If you have all of them parallel to USB adaptors, then chances are that winXP/Vista/7 might have generic drivers for your set.
Before spending 250 bucks, get yourself some USB adaptors and plug in your thrustmaster on your box and see what happens

The Machine


If it quite is extremely a DOS activity that basically used to run/installation in homestead windows ninety 5 or ninety 8, you will possibly desire to attempt working a application front end application called DOSBOX. it quite is a loose application which you will possibly desire to be waiting to locate quite on the internet. i've got performed many an previous activity lower back by skill of commencing it up with DOSBOX. without DOSBOX, they does no longer play in any respect in WindowsXP. sturdy good fortune.