Why are Fatherless Families Prone to Live in Poverty? Happy Father's Day - Dads?

2 out of 3 children in poverty are from single parent households. 7.5% children are born out of wedlock - why are people irresponsible bringing children into the world without a father and means to support them other than government support?


Hayden's Mommy2010-06-18T07:59:23Z

Favorite Answer

1. not everyone chooses to raise their children alone. things happen
2. not every single parent is living in poverty
3. maybe you should be asking, if all these single moms and their kids are living in poverty WHERE THE HELL ARE THE DEAD BEAT DADS WHO SHOULD BE HELPING THEM OUT?
maybe you should look at why a$$holes are living their women with no money and no means to support the children THEY HELPED MAKE!
I'm so tired of the single mom always being blamed for everything. Single moms, in general, are the hardest workers out there. they go to work everyday and come home to another full time job of raising their kids all on their own and then they get $hit from ***** like you!


Many women do not set out to be single parents. Some of them are deserted by their husbands or boyfriends, sometimes the father dies and has no life insurance. The mothers are left to work at lower paying jobs while paying for child care, and do not receive any or very little child support. They cannot afford a good lawyer to go after the father for additional support. Often they do not have benefits at their jobs and some end up working two part-time jobs. It's not an ideal situation for anyone. I have also known fathers who raise their child/children alone after being abandoned by the mother.

There are some people who do bring a child into the world with no intention of involving the father and I believe that is wrong.

Place is a joke2010-06-18T15:14:13Z

Sex ed should be taught in school. If you don't know how it happens, makes it harder to prevent. Two family incomes makes it easier to not live in poverty. Hey man I can have as many as I want and let others pay for them. {not how I think by the way but many do} SOme people marry now a days with the thought hey if it doesn't work out we can just get divorce. To bad for the kids you brought into the world though.

How many women will hook up with a guy that is already the babies daddy to a few others and expect that they will take care of and pay for the one they have with them.

Some are things that happened and some are the womens fault for hooking up with someone who is already a deadbeat.

Takes two to tango. Some rotten guys and some women with no sense.


Last I knew women did not "make a baby" alone. I know the point being made, but one cannot assume "every" woman brings a baby into this world alone. Men make promises and then when the baby comes or when the woman starts to really show and the pregnancy becomes a reality to them, they are gone.


Because these women want a baby and they don't care if they have a husband or a committed man in their life. They just want what they want, and let the taxpayer pick up the bills.

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