Have illegal Mexicans affected your family like this American woman and her family?

Illegals Are Destroying America - A Letter To Rep Tom Tancredo 1-9-4
The following letter was received by the heroic Congressman, Tom Tancredo, and posted on his site as part of 'Tom's Mailbag'...
My story.
I live in a world where I do not count. I am White. I am poor. I don't have coalitions rallying for what I feel is important. I don't have news reporters writing about "poor me". But, I have views. I vote. I pay taxes. And, I know there are millions of people in America just like me.
I live next to a shelter built by politicians who are afraid to have an opinion about closing the border. Daily, 1,500 illegal Mexicans visit that shelter. It was supposed to keep these "poor" people from urinating and defecating on the streets. It didn't. If I $hit on the street, I would get fined.
My home and vehicles have been broken into 22 times in 5 years. I stopped calling the police each time now, because they don't come anyway. Instead, we bought a gun. Scared off the last illegal trying to steal our truck. He knew enough English to say, "Sorry", as we pointed it at him. 3 months later, we still have a towel over the smashed driver's side window. Last week, I was ordered to pay a $85.00 fine for a false alarm. Police showed up for THAT hearing. The police couldn't find any criminal at my home when my home alarm sounded. I am curious how long police think bad guys "hang around" after an alarm has been triggered.
When I was rear ended in my car, the policeman said I would have to wait while he called for back -up. My baby was screaming. The police had no film in the camera. The back- up police had no fingerprinting ink, or film. The illegal had an ID, but the police said there was nothing that could be done. The illegal would just get another fake ID and would never show for court. He didn't have insurance. The illegal who hit me said, "Sorry", as he was walking away. He was free to go. I was free to pay the deductible on my car, and the chiropractor bills for my children and myself. If I drove without insurance and hurt someone or their possessions, I would be forced to pay for the damages.
My husband works 6 days a week as a framing contractor. He pays FICA, Social Security, State taxes, Federal taxes, General liability insurance, Workman's comp insurance, and probably others that I don't remember. His Workman's Comp. just skyrocketed from $5,000 per year, to $28,000 per year. Now I ask you... WHERE are we to come up with an extra $23,000? We had NO CLAIMS! Should I take it from my food budget? We often go weeks without meat! Should it come from our clothing budget? We buy our clothes at thrift sales and Savers. How about our entertainment account? Does seeing a movie every month qualify?
My home insurance costs me $100.00 more yearly because I live on a border state. How long until Kansas becomes a border state?
I have had no medical insurance for years and years. I can't afford it. At 33, I got cancer. My doctor told me to go to ACCHS. I don't remember how to spell the state's medical system, since they declined me. My husband 's company had no profit in 6 months, due to theft, and lack of laws at the time to force general contractor's to pay . Without studying my receipts, I was declined. Interesting that the hundreds of illegal Mexicans standing in line, were being given food stamps, and medical care. They did not have social security numbers, and did not speak English. If you don't believe me, look at the application DES uses yourself, spend 5 minutes at DES and remind yourself why you pay taxes. You won't leave smiling.
Taxes. We fell behind 1 year. I contacted IRS and told them we want to make arrangements to pay. We now show the IRS EVERY thing we buy. From tampons to chewing gum-they see the receipt. For the next year, we will be scrutinized. For the next 5 years we will be audited. Maybe I should never have "done the right thing" and told them. Maybe I should change my name to Garcia.
My son cries nightly because his legs and arms hurt. He has cried for almost 7 years. My husband often walks on one leg because his back and leg pain is almost unbearable. Monthly, I have mini strokes. During those times, I lose the ability to speak well, and have seizures until I lose consciousness . We don't really know what is wrong with any of us. We may never know. WE can't afford a doctor. God forbid we need emergency services. 30% of the time, hospitals are on divert status, because there is no room. The illegals take their kids to ERs for colds and sore throats. I would only go if I lost a limb, or my heart gave out.
2 years ago, I announced to my family there would be no turkey for Thanksgiving. We would eat pasta and be thankful we were a family. My Catholic friend made arrangements for me to get a food box from her church. I went, reluctantly. I d


for me to get a food box from her church. I went, reluctantly. I drove up in my broken old van, and saw a lot full of new (stickers still attached), suburbans. My van was the worst vehicle there, and it hit me that I really was poor! I stood in line for 20 minutes amazed at the number of Mexicans taking box after box of food. When it was my turn, I had to show ID. I was told to leave. There wasn't enough food for me to take a box. I looked around- there were boxes of food everywhere! For a minute I forgot I was White, and in their eyes, not deserving.
At church, our pastor reminds us to stay hopeful. I struggle to make sense of a system that has taken from me, and given to those who have more than I do.
Who will be my voice? Where is my coalition? I thought it was the leaders of America. I was wrong. They have sold out me and millions like me out. What's worse...I don't know why.

Rep Tom Tancredo
DC Office
1130 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

☠SinDelle Morte☠2010-06-18T21:56:36Z

Favorite Answer

Where I am from, it is really bad. They are EVERYWHERE and commit crimes continuously. My sister's car was broken into 4 times in one year. There has been a HUGE upswing in rapes, robberies and murders and the description is always "Hispanic male." A dead Hispanic male was found floating in the pond at the apartment complex where I lived a few years ago and other ones are found all the time everywhere. MS-13 is very bad here and gang-related crime is ridiculous. People are afraid to go outside at night. The police will not do anything because there is nothing to do.

I had a serious health issue a few years ago and my husband had to stop working to take care of our son who was a baby because I was in and out of the hospital for months. We tried to get assistance (which we are entitled to as working, tax-paying American citizens) and were repeatedly turned away because the money was gone. We do NOT live in a poor area (that's why illegals come here) and the money was gone. One of the times I was leaving the social services office(having to WALK and push my baby in a stroller because we did not have a car), a Hispanic woman I'd seen filling out the application for assistance came out of the building behind me with her approval paperwork, got into a white Cadillac Escalade & drove off. We eventually moved from our apartment at one place because there were 12 Hispanic people living in a 2 bedroom apartment next door and after they moved in, our apartment became so infested with roaches and bedbugs that we could not live there anymore. We had to leave all of our furniture behind because it was infested and could only take our clothing.

I also worked at a grocery store for a little while and it absolutely disgusted me when they would come in and pay for their food with foodstamps, then for the non-food items the husband would pull out a wad of money. And I mean a WAD, like barely able to fold it over huge. I saw that every single day.

The people who tell you these stories like the one above are not lying. They are not exagerrating. It IS a crisis and something has got to be done.

Gone Rogue2010-06-18T22:22:46Z

After living 35 years in our beautiful home town of Tucson we had to move 5 years ago. Tucson started to change in the 1990`s.
by 2000 In Tucson we lived behind iron barred doors and windows. We had a 6 ft block wall around our back yard, 30 by 40, that our daughter played in. Twice we found men inside this enclosure trying to pry the bars off the windows. She could not go in our front yard without escort. The illegals roamed the streets and often would come to our door asking for money, directions, or water. Which we gave of course but never money. We lived 4 blocks from the school but we had to drive her there and pick her up because it was to dangerous for her to walk home alone. Helicopters nightly searched with huge search lights for criminals often lighting up our neighborhood. One Hispanic man was caught by police hiding in our trash container. Mind you this was a good neighborhood. We sold our house for 240K.
We moved to small town Kansas. Now our daughter can run and play. She learned to ride a bicycle with in the first week of our arrival something she could not do in Tucson.
When we moved here there was no English as a second language in the school.
5 years later there are now 17 students who can not speak English and only Spanish in the school.
It is the same with all the schools in Kansas with on average 15 new non english speaking students per small town school.

LINDA R2010-06-18T22:12:52Z

You can bet your life that Obama would never tell THAT story in his typical Political BS speech.

Obama has battered Arizona with mind blowing force. He abandons Americans, defends and supports Illegals, Injustice and Fails to uphold the Law. He will just "change"it. Abuse of Office!

The Federal Government does not obey it's own Laws. The President has lead this heartless and vicious attack against Americans. He supports the Government lawsuit against Arizona.

I "hope" he and his loved ones experience the retribution he deserves for his callous and illegal stance on all the issues he has promoted and accomplished against America. Impeachment is due!

R J2010-06-18T22:00:44Z

It is sad that programs and charities that used to help Americans are over run by them. Parkland in dallas had to write over a $100 million in bringing anchor babies into the world and that is just one hospital in Dallas. It is a shame and all politicians tat put up with it should be remove. Since the lobbyists are going to give them a record $4 billion this year * and most of them have spouses or children that would for said lobbyists, then voting them out and they will shape up.


This story makes me really sad. I'm not wasting my money on taxes in America when I grow up; I will simply move to New Zealand or Australia, and pay taxes for services that will actually benefit me and the common good of my community.

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