Is there anyone here whom has the self awareness to percieve consumerism to be a good thing?

I am not interested in sheep whom only want to discuss the most obvious popular negative rhetoric,which so permeates the web, and attacks anyone witn a seriously controversial opinion. Someone once said, "it is dangerous to be rignt in any opinion, which opposes that which the mass erroneously believes to be correct. I an forming a cult trend in private communications , for a think tank situation and desire only serious opinions which agree with he concept,("consumerism is a good thing")! Only these need to respond!


Favorite Answer

Consumerism stimulates economic growth, tax from sales goes to pay for social welfare payments and services such as the health service, refuge collection, training schemes etc.
The advertising concepts used in consumerism can be used for any message which is desirable to be conveyed to the public in general, including some concepts which would not normally be thought of as being commercial, like religion, charities, politics, health issues etc. by raising public awareness.


Consumerism is great, I really don't see a downside.