Is this still considered a true hole-in-one?

My buddy hit his tee shot in the water on a 167 yard par 3, so the rest of us teed off and he decided to hit another one. His second shot off the tee took one bounce on the green and went straight down into the hole for a par, since his first shot went in the water. The definition of a hole-in-one is that it is a "shot that is off the tee and goes into the hole", so my friends shot is a true hole-in-one, right?


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James is absolutely correct. But that is one hell of a par. Lol. But i'd seriously just say it was a hole in one. That could be a once in a life time thing right there for the average golfer

Hunter Z2010-06-23T05:03:30Z

Technically it's not a hole in one. It's basically the same as someone topping the ball and having it go two feet then making the next shot. Plus, he didn't have to hit from the tee, he could have gone to where the hazard started and took a drop within two club lengths and hit three as well. If he were to make a shot from there, it would not be a hole in one. Also, there are many definitions of a hole-in-one.


Is this still considered a hole-in-one, in golf? NISH-NISH. In goof? ACH-YA. If you and your friend's were playing the game of goof, congratulations to your friend on a great ace. If you all were playing golf, sorry Matt it is just a plain old par. The difference between golf and goof is the fact that in goof circles you find that you can make up rules as you go along and before you know it you are a member of the Professional Goof Association and the great part of being a member of that association is the free mulligans. LOL


No way, it was a par...not a hole in one. Freddie couples did it on the 13th hole in the Players 10 years ago or something and it was a par. He said it was a par and he did not consider it a hole in one. No one wants to say they had a hole in one, but hit a ball in the water first. Its not legit.


I have done the same thing twice, Once where water was concerned and the second time when hitting a provisional because of a potentially lost ball

However it is NOT a "Hole in One"

Well what score did your friend put down on his card for that hole?
Answer: 3

So he did NOT play the hole in one stroke now did he?

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