What makes an event "historic" in your opinion?

"In your opinion"... means no wrong answers!

Have you lived through any events you'd consider to be "historic", by your own definition?

Terri H2010-06-24T20:31:13Z

Favorite Answer

A historic event is one that people will study or want to learn more about 10, 50, 100, 200 yrs., etc...from now. My list of events I recall fit my definition. Read on.

Yes, I have lived through some of these events. I was 7 yrs. old when John Kennedy was assassinated. This was the first historic event I can recall. The assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy left an imprint upon my mind from 1968. The Watergate break-in in 1972 which led to Richard Nixon's 1974 resignation was big news for my senior year high school history class.
Neil Armstrong walking on the moon in 1969 was quite remarkable.
9/11 will always be a horrific historic memory.


Well technically any event that occurred in the past is considered "historic". Aside from that I'd define a historic event as one that is memorable and effects mankind in either a very positive or very negative way.

Good question because I keep rethinking my answer....but I'm sticking with it for now.


somethin that has happned in the past 5 years which is remarkable