Do you think music is a doorway?

I think thats why I believe in God.. I was just listening to Pink Floyd's "Gunners dream" and I know there is more going on there than physics and psychology. Same with Roy Buchanan (best guitar player who ever lived) or Linda Jones (overwhelming passion). Sometimes music is just clever but sometimes it's beyond explanation, I think. I guess that's the dividing line, whether every thing is science or some things are more than that. Music convinces me theres more to life than logic and facts.

Roy Buchanan
Linda Jones
Gunner's Dream


I guess the one sentence, gimme my two points answers are where its at around here huh? I think I'm out of here.


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What an interesting observation. I think you have nailed it. I did not have words to put your thought into -- I just thought that music somehow takes one away from where they are, and puts them where the music lives. I know that sounds silly, that music "lives" somewhere. But in your analogy, one opens the "door" and there we are...where the music lives. Thanks for a beautiful thought.


Yes. When I listen to good music.. Classic Rock and Roll and some Modern stuff, it opens my mind, makes me feel good and nostalgic, makes me think of things beyond the mind and also keeps my mind fresh (only music that is and not drugs.) But seriously it gives me this certain 'high' feeling..

I got a tattoo 2 years ago of a guitar on my hips with 'Music is my life'. Thats how inspiring music has been to me.


music, mathematics, and poetry can be spiritual experiences. Janis Joplin's singing can create ecstasy


Metal is a gateway to Valhalla!
Believe friend. Believe.

† His servant †2010-06-25T06:23:26Z

It's a dorrway to satan! Rock & Roll and the devils work! Repent and be saved!

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