a knowledge related yu gi oh question?

What do you know about chaos deck, and yata-lockdown..?

best answer will be chosen by the relevance and number of information related to above case..


Favorite Answer

Use Painful Choice, dump some Lights and Darks in the grave. Then, bring out either Sangan or Witch of the Black Forest. After that remove 1 Light + 1 Dark to Special Summon Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End. Use his effect to blow up the field and both players' hands. Then, search out Yata-Garasu with Sangan or Witch's effect, Normal Summon it, and keep attacking until you win; you're opponent can't do anything about it, since they have no field and no hand, and Necro Gardna didn't come out yet so they can't stop Yata from attacking. So, basically, the deck focuses on pulling off that combo, you also put in some other classic "chaos" cards such as Chaos Sorcerer and Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. The other Lights and Darks you run are really up to you for the most part.


The Yata-Garasu Lockdown was a deck build whose goal was to clear both the opponent's field and hand; from there, you would continually summon "Yata-Garasu" and attack. Since "Yata-Garasu"'s effect required the opponent to skip their Draw Phase if it attacked and did damage, and your opponent would have no hand, they were effectively taken out of the game. Since the September 2004 banning of "Yata-Garasu", this lockdown has been eradicated in Advanced Format Duels.

As for chaos, I don't want to text wall everyone, so heres a link: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chaos


Yata lock is around chaos emperor dragon,witch black forest/sangan,yata garasu.Use ced effect to send sangan or witch from field to grave,then search yata,summon,attack do it again and again to lock.
Chaos deck involve black luster soldier envoy the begin,chaos emp dragon,chaos sorcerer,or around card that remove 1 light and 1 dark from grave to summon.


yata lock-down is where u summon yata garestu at a good time
lik when ur opponent has no monsters.
then his effect kicks in where ur opponent can't draw a card.
yata's other effect kicks in where u put him back in ur hand and u do it again and again and ur opponent can't do any thing unless he has something in his hand.
chaos decks revolve around BLS and CED envoy of the beginning and end.
u put light and dark monsters in the grave then remove 1 light and 1 dark 2 summon BLS or CED.
i used 2 hav those cards. they r AWESOME!!