my daughter came home with a mark what would it be from?
so my daughter came home from summer school with a mark on the back of her neck it was a line but it looked bruised. i am wondering if my kid has more allergies she gets random blood noses, allergy to kiwi and oranges,and insect bites she get welts,she is cold when its super warm in the house or car is this all normal for a 5 yr old?.
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It's extremely unlikely that your daughter's allergies caused bruising to the back of her neck... I would have a conversation with her to see if she can provide any information about her day at summer school like, "Did anything hurt you at any point in the day?" or "Do you remember what happened to make this mark on your neck?" If she's unable to provide any answers, I would follow up with the school and make a report of the injury. Although marks do appear on kids' bodies, you as the parent have a responsibility to making sure they weren't put there by someone! I would definitely get her checked out by her pediatrician for the other issues you listed. It sounds as if your concerns are good reasons to check in with a doctor.
Someone just probably drew on her neck with a pencil and it got puffy, like it normally would. Kids in summer school do that kind of stuff. And thats not an allergy problem. Trust me, i'm allergic to wheat and a bunch of other things, I never have bloody noses. Its not related.