are there any sequels to Bunni: How We First Met?

I keep hearing that there are sequels to the online game Bunni: How We First Met but I can't find any, so if there are any what are they called and if there aren't what are some cute games like it?


Favorite Answer

Not yet Bunni 2 is still in alpha stage.
This is the forum
Hope this helps!


Bunni How We First Met 2


1. The Godfather Part 2 2. Aliens 3. The Dark Knight 4. The Bourne Ultimatum 5. After The Thin Man 6. The Empire Strikes Back 7. Superman Part 2 8. Beneath the Planet of the Apes 9. The Bells of St Marys (Going My Way sequel) 10. The French Connection Part 2 WORST SEQUEL TO A GREAT MOVIE Jaws II