are we really all in this together?

Cameron, Osborne and Clegg say we must all suffer pain due to the budget cuts, why don't they come clean with the electorate when they know it is only the middle class and working class that are going to suffer, they don't know the meaning of the word, never wanted for nothing!



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We are not all in this together, most of us are in it up to our necks while the over privileged are still sitting pretty. I'm just waiting for the day they introduce compulsory euthanasia of the disabled to save on benefit and pension payments.


To be fair, the hung part of parliament should have been sorted before any other business (A coalition is the halfway house of a leading party).
Then when there's a budget and a party saying 'pain' in the same sentence, people can rest-assured it precedes a clear instruction on doing the same thing - stopping a 'hung' decision in our future and easing the 'pain' of ourselves and others by pitching in as part of the whole - notably al'led'ged by those who say what the budget means as a course of action we're all stepping along to...


It would be interesting to see if any Coalition supporters answer my question:;_ylt=AhinoHK.I3R8_Z7z_b0OfaUgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100628013207AADvuAN

For that matter, can any Labour supporters come up with any different answers to those provided by Liberal Democrats or Conservatives?

Simply pushing the sick unemployed (the only sickness many of them have is being sick of jobseeking and getting nowhere) off the edges of society just to meet fiscal targets, while letting employers get away with paying their executives bonuses for sacking them makes it seem that some are more in it together than others!


Agreed - it's a bit much for millionaires to talk in this way to the rest of us!

The world for the workers!

Sue Straka2010-06-28T11:23:54Z

No we are not. Count me out,