how to develop architectural skill?
i've just entered the degree in architectural science and needed help in designing... does only reading architecture books helps?
i've just entered the degree in architectural science and needed help in designing... does only reading architecture books helps?
The Infamous Dr Black
Favorite Answer
In order to learn good architectural design there are only a few things you need to know: Symmetry, balance, and rhythm. (you can look these up). These three areas encompass good design and you need to have a good sense of how these can be applied. good design encompasses everything from tool design, chairs and other furniture, cars, planes, clothes, and all sorts of every day things; even toothbrushes. If you have these basic concepts you can look at just about anything that has been designed and see whether or not its in balance, it has rhythm. A good architect sees how design works in everyday life. Take a look at any typical kitchen chair in your house. See how its built to hold someone up. Then look at its design, the way in which the materials were selected, what colors were used, how much material was used?
You also need to have a good working knowledge of the history of architecture. Here you will investigate how architects of the past used these standard design principles in varying time periods to design buildings. Repitition of columns indicates an appreciation of rhythm, balance and symmetry.
So do use books but get out and look at nature and see how flowers grow and look at the petals on flowers. You can see good design in all forms of nature. When you begin to develop this appreciation then try to work these ideas into your own design. Ty to use your imagination and developing skills. Don't be afraid to find an architect that you like and study what they have done. Try to find out what their design philosophy was or is. Any try to emulate that in your work. Don't be afraid to borrow this is the highest form of flattery. Then at some point you will begin to develop your own style and skills.