How do I wear my XX high Chuck Taylors?

Ok, I got a pair of knee high Chucks for Christmas this year. They are patched with all sorts of colors on them. I'll put a pick on the bottom. My mom got them for me and I have noooo clue what to wear thwm with. I am not punk soo I'm not sure how to wear these. If anyone could help me find summer/winter looks for these shoes please help! There soo cute but I'm not sure what to do with them! THANKS!!


By the way, I want like a cute look. Not just to be told shorts and skinny jeans. I know those look cute but I want like actual outfits and stuff!

♪Queen of Couture♫2010-07-01T15:39:08Z

Favorite Answer

shorts that are a little bit above the knee but not super short for winter.
skinny jeans tucked in to them if you can for winter. if not, them just leave them like regular jeans.