Sex or Chocolate...................................?

Which do you really prefer? Which is more satisfying?


Favorite Answer

It depends on my mood

Rock Kills Kristy2010-07-01T19:42:55Z



Chocolate Sex.
Answer mine?-;_ylt=AqBbqWBC0RzubBq4Lc4MrB7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100701184403AAi1m7Z


Sex AND chocolate...@ the same time!

JACK RABBIT2010-07-04T06:49:35Z

im sure which i love chocolate ..but realy i dont like sleep with all womans ...and im not sure which all sex are same people know sometime sex is worst ......but ea
t chocolat is great ...which i know chocolate .....i can tell which eat chocolat is more safe than sex ,,,,,

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