Should Al Gore have to return the Nobel Prize?

Not only did he not invent the Internet, it looks like he didn't invent "global warming" either:

"Moynihan, as Nixon aide, warned of global warming"


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That NPP gang are hard nosed socialists. That award has little meaning, particularly since they gave it to Obama for doing nothing more then be elected to the white house. Let Gore keep it, that "prize" is as lame there as anywhere it seems.

Julia Sugarbaker2010-07-03T12:00:34Z

Global warming has been around long before Al Gore, and it will be around long after he's gone--he's not a scientist, he merely garnered attention for the issue. As for returning the Nobel, that would be up to the Nobel committee.


He never claimed to invent either, and global warming was discovered by a French man in the 1800's.


After he invented the Internet and jacked up global warming he divorced the Tipper and refused to tip a masseuse for services rendered. Apparently she wouldn't render them well enough to satisfy him.


Well since he never claimed to have invented either, and his prize was not for inventing either - no he should not

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