When Jesus predicted that the Temple would be destroyed (which it was in 70 A.D.), He specifically said that "not one stone would be on top of another". I think this is significant. Does that last wall have to come down?
Hmmm...I wonder if I'll get scoffers interjecting witty speed answers..lol
The reference is Matthew 24:2
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Very strange that Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple walls when the messiah is the one who will REBUILD the walls. .
Well it also says farther down that 'this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened." -- some people would take that to mean that Jesus was wrong there too because those guys are long gone. But 'generation' here means 'race' of people. So I don't think he was wrong in saying the temple would be destroyed. It was. He said it the way he said it to get the message across. So now there is only a section of wall left standing. The point is, the daily sacrifice is no more, the temple is gone, and setup in it's place is the dome of the rock, just as predicted.
That last sentence is a clever way to keep the scoffers out, good for you. But somehow I don't think the wailing wall has to come down, the temple is gone.
The entire city was demolished, with only the towers of Herod’s palace and a portion of the western wall left standing as evidence to later generations of the defensive strength that had availed nothing. Josephus remarks that, apart from these remnants, the rest of the wall encompassing the city was so completely levelled to the ground as to leave future visitors to the spot no ground for believing that it had ever been inhabited.