Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys!?

Okay so i have a crush on this boy but he has a girlfriend. Everytime we are together alone he leans in to kiss me and he gets me to the floor and sits on me and he also hugs be from behind and pushes against me so i can feel his thingy LOL. But the other day i was with him his girlfriend and a couple off others and he kept kissing his girlfriend and looking at me i acted like i didnt care and just turned away and talked to my friend. I dont no wether he does like me but just doesent want anyone to know about it i need help please!!! xx


I havent kissed him! he leans in to kiss me but i turn my head x


Thanks for all your answers especially 'hes a whore' :L lol x


Favorite Answer

He's a player, stay away from him, don't let him cheat on his GF with you. And considering you're a girl, girls always get the insults such as sl**, etc and will ruin your rep. You shouldn't have done anything with him in the first place, but hey you can change now if you want to. He could use the simplest things such as touching against you in the future.

Plus if he really likes you he'd dump his GF and ask you rather than be a double timer. Don't waste your time crushing on a loser.

Patrick D2010-07-04T14:49:12Z

u shouldnt be kissing him especially if he has a would u feel if u had a bf and he was kissing another girl? wouldnt feel too good would it? why dont u find a guy whose not involved with anybody? this guy will probably just use u and the sad thing is hes doing it behind his gf's back.


hes a whore


Don't trust that guy he is just bad news.


Avoid that boy if he cheats on his girlfriend he'll cheat on you.

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