Is it possible to have 2012 questions banned in A&S?

Since we have another 1.5 years until the impending apocalypse (woe is me), I am wondering if there is any way Yahoo Answers can filter out any questions that contain the term "2012" - at least in this section. It is very annoying to be regularly (as in 4 or 5 times an hour) confronted with the complete lack of critical thinking skills that:
- lead people to believe in this hoax; and
- prevent people from searching through existing answers to uncover the repetitive stupidity of these questions.


Suggestion has been made - feel free to vote on it:


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I have sent a request to Y!A asking the same. I doubt it will be honored, but if more complain, it can't hurt.

The link below will bring you to the "feedback" area of Y!A for suggestions and comments.


As much as I can understand the pain, I think that filtering the questions for 2012 is exactly doing the opposite.

1. People will instead rely on every source that is around... and media is often a ***** when it comes to spectacular lies. Look at History Channel, that are so happy giving the 2012 hoaxers a profitable platform, that it is not even disturbing them to turn the popular tourist location "Robinson Crusoe Island" into a wild and badly accessible distant island - despite it having even a small airport.

2. It gives the 2012 people a martyr status. We have the truth, but we are oppressed.

I don't think that is the way.

We should use the available tools and ban and banish all those trolls that abuse Yahoo! Answers for their doomsday hoax economy.

But we should have patience for all those who are not so lucky to have already learned about the world around them to answer such questions themselves. Of course it is stupid. of course these people are not using the search function. and of course they deserve some hard words about that. But they also deserve answers.


That would set a dangerous precedent. It amounts to censorship, which might be extended to exclude any question that the majority of Y!A users dislike. Then you have tyranny of the majority.

I would prefer to see a list of similar questions when I am preparing to ask the same old question. And there should be a message in big bold type strongly suggesting that I review the old answers, rather than post the same old question again. I seem to recall it used to be that way, but now you only get a list of old questions when you use the "search answers" button.


Good luck. I've been trying for years. Of course they could easily filter and reroute them. Whoever runs yahooanswers doesn't seem to care about where questions go any more than they care about reducing FAQs. I'm amazed and amused that it was sent to Astronomy from the start. Any form of complaint or constructive comments on how to improve yahooanswers will fall on deaf ears 99.99% of the time.


I agree it is annoying, but imagine the result of that....

History channel documentary says Yahoo conspiring with US government to cover up of dangers coming in 2012!

So freedom of speech is still the way to go. I only wish all the people who say there is proof would come back in 2013 and say they were wrong. Well, I can dream can't I?

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